Tuesday, April 25, 2006


We have some new little babies around the house, and they're tadpoles! We have about 13, and are hoping to see them reach adulthood. Once they can hop around and threaten to face us with a plague in our room, we will free them to the ponds. Hopefully this will be a fun, learning experience, although it's already, "Mama, can you tell me about tadpoles?" every day.


Anonymous said...

Jed those are so cool. Grandma's old swiming hole used to get tadpoles every spring. They are lots of fun to catch and evern more fun to see them turn into frogs. Put a nice big rock in the aquarium so they can climb up when they get legs and their swimmer tail is gone.

Anonymous said...

Don't get any ideas about doing this at my house! LOL Really-I think it's wonderful that you have a mama who lets you do this and wants you to learn so much!

Anonymous said...

Jed, I hope you know that Memere was joking in the last Mamasita 'comment'. Of course you could do that at my house! I just had a picture in my mind of 13 frogs jumping around the house, and actually, I thought it was pretty funny.